Your words create your world 🗣🌎

Vanessa Broers
2 min readMar 19, 2019


I had a client who used the word RADICAL often.

Anytime I have a connection to a word, I study the word, its origins and its definitions to help it create even more meaning for me.

Then I keep the parts I love and leave out the parts I don’t, to change and deepen the meaning.

For example, when I looked up RADICAL, part of the etymology that I loved and kept was: Of having roots.

So RADICAL HONESTY would mean: Having roots in honesty.

The part that I left out was: Reformist.

So RADICAL HONESTY in this case would mean: Reforming/redefining honesty. (Although now that I write that, I kind of like it, too 😆)

Anytime a word has a negative charge for me, I study it, as well.

For example, for a long time, the word EXTRAVAGANT carried a negative charge for me. It felt like ‘extravagance’ was over the top and excessive.

When I looked up the root, I kept: Originally a word in Canon Law for uncodified papal decrees, present participle of extravagari, “wander outside or beyond.”

And I left out: Extended sense of “excessive, extreme, exceeding reasonable limits” first recorded 1590s, probably via French; that of “wasteful, lavish, exceeding prudence in expenditure” is from 1711.

So EXTRAVAGANT became, to me: To wander outside and beyond.

And for an aspiring astrocoach like me, this was perfect.

I became extravagant.

Your words create your world. Change the meaning of the words that consume your energy and you have more power to create 🖤

Now it’s your turn! 👉🏼 Choose a word that has a negative charge for you. Look up the etymology / definition. Keep the parts you love and let the rest fall away.

Then comment below or email me at and share with me how the meaning changed for you 🙏🏼



Vanessa Broers
Vanessa Broers

Written by Vanessa Broers

Vanessa coaches high achievers and coaches to create beyond what they imagine as possible. She believes in CREATING clients vs finding them. Ask her how.

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