How To Love the Word “No”
Why “no” can be the most powerful word for creating dream client relationships.
Most people won’t coach with you. This broke my brain when I heard it. I had just spent the last year beating myself up for not having a “near perfect closing rate.” To realize that most people will say “no” is actually incredibly freeing.
Especially as you raise your fees.
But not every “no” is actually a no. In fact, the last 4 clients I signed were “no’s.” And they were “no’s” again when it came time to recommit (I don’t like the words re-sign or continue). But one of the biggest mistakes coaches make is fearing a “no” and not realizing that from making the proposal to the final decision can actually be the most powerful part of the coaching conversation.
You can have a hugely powerful and transformational coaching conversation, and even though you and your client can both feel the potential, money blocks them. Or the reasons behind the money block them. And those reasons are likely what stops them in just about every area of life. Helping them work through those to their final and complete decision can be one of the most powerful gifts of transformation they ever receive.
And the high fees are what bring them out.
It’s like smoking termites (2 minute mark) out of the ground. And I tell my clients this. I share with them that my fees are intentionally high. I want this to be a hard decision, I want it to bring up all the fears and doubts they have, and I want to talk about them. Because whether or not we coach together, working through these money-induced fears will support them to make powerful change. And if we go through this and we do decide to work together, this conversation will create a powerful relationship.
Don’t back down from the money conversation. It’s like working out. The rep that you want to quit on is the rep where your real workout begins.
The money conversation is often where the deepest transformation occurs and the strongest foundations are built.